Sunday, November 18, 2007

Go Bucks!

We had a big Ohio State vs. Michigan party yesterday. One of our friends always gets a big screen tv to watch the game. It's a whole weekend of festivities because today we all get back together to watch the NASCAR race. Dumb me, I always forget to bring the camera. I'm still not the greatest at blogging. Even though I'm not crazy about watching sports on tv, I was very pleased to get a lot done on my 2nd Jaywalker sock. I finished the cuff, turned the heel, and started the gusset. Only 55 more rows to go until I start the toe. The 2nd sock always seems to go faster anyway. I don't know why that is.

In other news, I saw this on Dana Huff's blog and had to try it out. It's a check your blog's reading level website. I always feel like I have nothing to say on my blog. I'm not a big talker in real life and it carries over to this blog. I'm also hesitant to say much about school here just in case a parent/my principal or superintendent should happen to see it. So I was really surprised to find...

We're celebrating Christmas next weekend with my family in South Carolina. I haven't seen them since September. We'll be having Thanksgiving/Christmas. So I'm skipping the NASCAR party and I'm off for a day of shopping....

I don't mind, even though I have a ton of papers to grade. I hope to get caught up over Thanksgiving break. However, I kind of would rather not have a holiday right now. Both of my classes are in the middle of books that they almost all like--To Kill a Mockingbird" and "The Outsiders." Mockingbird is one of my all-time favorites and I knew my General English kids would love "The Outsiders." One boy, who REALLY doesn't like English, came into class Friday and said, "I love this book." That made me very happy.

I'm really glad I made the switch from 11th grade British Lit last year to 10th grade American Lit this year. Although I have the OGT, our standardized graduation test, to worry about, everything else is great!

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