Sunday, September 14, 2008

I think I figured it out

I have solved the problem of chart reading, I think. I have color coded the different cable stitches so I don't have to keep double checking myself, which is what's taking me so long. It's only the 4th week of school and I'm sick already. I started feeling bad last night--sore throat, head pounding, achy, etc. I figured if I took Tylenol and went to bed early, I might beat it. Not a chance. I feel even crappier today.

Here's a pic of G2 from the football game last weekend. He and I wore our Bobcats stuff. We were way outnumbered. We sat in a sea of scarlet and gray. Every other Bobcat fan who walked by G2 either cheered him or gave him high-5. He, of course, ate up all the attention. I thought he looked so cute in his jersey and visor.
Then he wore the jersey to school last week and lots of kids told him "You suck" because he was wearing an OU jersey. G2 came home crying. Why do kids have to be so stinkin' mean?


Jess said...

Kids are mean because their parents have Buckeyes for brains. :)

My sister works for OSU, and she and my "Uncle Larry" (good family friend) had a bet that whoever had the losing team for that game would have to wear the opposing team's sweatshirt to dinner (Larry's an OU alum). I think Larry chickened out in the end.

Your color-coding is awesome. I have done that with my English students to help them assess their own writing against a rubric; I read color-coded things better myself.


Beatriz said...

I really like your idea of color coding charted cables. What in the world are you knitting? That's a lot of cabling.

dustinac said...

Way to go on the color coding! I do that with my lace projects and it makes it easier...soon you will only want patterns with charts : )