Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Bonus Question for week of April 2

Hi, all. Last week's question was a little tricky, but a few of you got it. The trick was to change the two s's (?) of passer. Anyway, here's this week's question:

I have a drawing of the side of a chimney. No bricks were cut to form the chimney; the half-bricks are the ends of bricks that extend along one of the other sides. How many bricks were needed to build the entire chimney?

The diagram of the chimney will be posted above my computer in my room.

Good luck! This question is due by the end of the school day Thursday, April 5, (no school Friday!) and MUST BE EMAILED TO ME!! co_252@omalp1.omeresa.net


Beatriz said...

Really clever new blog name!

Kim Beaumont said...

Thank you. You're the first comment I've ever had from someone other than my students. Another knitter. Yea!!! I've had your blog bookmarked on my computer for a long time. I love the sweaters you make. They're gorgeous.

Beatriz said...

I'm flattered...thank you. I've taken a break from knitting socks. After knitting a few sweaters, it's hard to say which is my favorite: garments or socks. I think both. My newest inspiration point: searching Flickr photos for inspiring knits!