Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bonus question

I hope everyone had a nice break. It sure was cold and yucky outside. These last few weeks of school will go fast. Most of you seem to be doing well on the research paper. How do you feel you're doing with it?

There was only one entry for last week's questions about the chimney; however, no one got the answer correct. Therefore, I'm leaving the question up for this week. Click here for the question. Entries MUST be emailed to me by the end of the school day Friday, April 13. When I receive your entry, I will reply to let you know I did receive it. Good luck. And to the student who sent in the incorrect answer last week, you can try again.


8052_gs said...

my final answer is 28 bricks?

Kim Beaumont said...

GS, you have to email me the answer. I cannot tell you whether it's right or not.